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  • Writer's pictureoconerpat1221

When you fall short of everything

How does it feel to be on top? where the splendor and glory are felt in every aspect of your life. When victory is enjoyed and celebrated by people around you, when you are welcomed with applause and enthusiasm from people you know and dont know. When stars seems to be at its radiant and finest moment. When people are all your friends.

These are moments aspired by many, events and situation dreamed by plenty. When everything you do is recognized and celebrated, when every bits of what you do is applauded. What a sight to behold.

But things aren`t always the way it is, there are moments than you go down from that peak, and walk through the valley of hardship and shortcomings, when all of sudden the applause us gone, the admiration is set aside, and all the good deeds are whipped out.

This are moments that somehow would define you as a person, being on top probably is the easiest and happiest, but going through the valley and plain path, is realistically a struggle, being alone in the walk, judge by many, questioned by all adds up to that struggle, when being alone is at its greatest, the pain and hurt are all real, the tears sometimes gush through your cheek without even realizing that you are actually on tears. People dont see all this, because it is easy to just judge just because of the wrong that you did, it is always to question in the outside and sometimes we fail to look at what is in the inside.

The walk is challenging, very few stayed. A handful listen. The pain is real. But, life has to go on, to walk forward, to face reality, and to pray and hope that one day, tears can turn in to smile, and judgement to celebration.

That after all, maybe, He is still there, still true to His promise despite the fall and the mistake.

That one day, the peak of being in the top can be achieved again....

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