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  • Writer's pictureoconerpat1221

Start of something new

After a long and challenging stage of waiting and looking for a potential job, finally the Lord has answered my prayer. I cant help but think of those days of long walk and struggle, the stress of trying to find the right job, moments of hunger and tiredness due to long walk to save money and make do with what you have, those moments of rejection and trying to figure out and asking the question, is there still a chance to find a good work and at the same time, continue with what i believe is my work and mission.

Having nothing probably is the lowest you can get, people tend to see you low and small by just having nothing on your pocket, at your lowest, you will see characters of people, judgement and disbelief and doubt is the center of your being, sad part, event those you believe would be there and understand also have turned their backs on you. Just like how may story is, rising by myself, and finding ways by myself is the drama of it all. I have reach the hardest point of literally having nothing. But one thing i have probably is faith, faith that yes, there is still an opportunity, that amidst every wrong, there is still something right that i can do, and out of that right is opportunity. That in my walk, someone will be there to listen and give me that opportunity.

I have met my own abraham, the person that sheltered me and gave me that chance, and he is God sent in so many ways.

I am about to start my new beginning, new place, new opportunity, new hope. I am just really grateful to God and for the person He sent. I cant help but just be in tears realizing how hard it is to reach this point.

Still, life is not perfect, there are still a lot of edges that needed refinement, but even if i am the only one rejoicing for this victory, i take it as the biggest blessing of my life at this stage and phase.

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