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  • Writer's pictureoconerpat1221

Dont Go through your problem, Grow through your problem

We all have problems, realities that either be cause by our wrong action, or circumstance that we have to deal with, but what ever it may be, this are all somehow distracting in so many ways than one. Yes, life problems are necessary, we really have to go through such, and all of us have our own set of problems. They say that problems makes us stronger, that is also true, but we also have to understand, that no one wants a problem! who amongst us wanted to have a restless night? or a day that is ruled by problems? or a week that we dont know how to go by? this are facts and reality, sometimes, it is easy to push people, but if you are in the shoe of that person, can you actually do what you are saying? especially if you tried so hard to push yourself to your limits.

Life is beautiful, yes it is true, but life also has its rude reality, rude enough to make us think, is this really what life is all about?

But, again, we only live once, and there is no other way but to face head on whatever reality that we have, good or bad, we have to wake up each morning, grateful of what is given and hopeful that each day will bring us an opportunity to grow and learn in the whole process of the so called "Life".

I pray that one day, things will be better, that one day i will wake up knowing that something great will happen that day, that one day, i will look forward for a new day because of opportunities. That i will work without an empty stomach, i dont have to walk kilometers to save money for transpo, and i can share what i have to those like me who struggle.

I am desiring to push more, to aim more, and to achieve my dreams no matter how difficult life is today.

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